California Props 2020
Dear California,

This electionis more thantwo oldwhite dudes*

On your ballot is affirmative action, rent control, property taxes, voting rights and more. All we hear about is the Presidential race, but let’s be honest, your vote more directly impacts the rest of the ballot.
*Granted, one of those dudes will end up with enormous power that will shape the trajectory of our country (and world) at a pivotal moment for numerous matters
We did the work for you and summarized the twelve state props into nonpartisan & nonboring explainers.
Let’s begin.

Prop 14 issues billions to the state's stem cell agency

The state would borrow money to continue funding the state's stem cell research agency, a significant portion of which goes to grants for stem cell research.Read more

Prop 15 changes how often commercial properties are assessed for property taxes

This is a big deal. Prop 15 reforms Prop 13 (1978) which has severely limited property tax revenue for local governments. Prop 15 would change the rules for commercial properties.Read more

Prop 16 allows affirmative action again in California

If passed, race, gender, sex, and ethnicity could be used as a factor in public employment, public universities, and public contracting. Affirmative action was banned from public institutions in California in 1996. Prop 16 would repeal that law.Read more

Prop 17 allows parolees to vote

Currently, those on parole after serving their sentence in state prison cannot vote. Prop 17, is passed would allow such parolees to vote.Read more

Prop 18 allows almost-18yos to vote in primaries

Supporters say this would increase civic participation. Opponents say 17yos aren't mature enough.Read more

Prop 19 lets older folks move their property tax assessment more freely

And more! It expands the rules around moving your property tax assessment to a new dig, if you're 55+, disabled, or displaced by a disaster. It also throws in some other property tax-related provisions.Read more

Prop 20 toughens criminal laws

Prop 20, in general, increases criminal punishment and makes some parole processes harder. Supporters say this would reduce crime. Opponents say this is a step backwards.Read more

Prop 21 loosens statewide restrictions on rent control

Costa-Hawkins is a state law that limits what cities can do with rent control. Prop 21 would loosen those limits, allowing cities to implement new rent control laws on buildings older than 15 years.Read more

Prop 22 classifies rideshare and delivery drivers as independent contractors

One of the most contentious battles here. It would classify Uber, Lyft, Instacart, etc workers as independent contractors, with additional benefits, overriding a recently passed state law which would have made them employees of these companies.Read more

Prop 23 changes how dialysis clinics operate

Remember dialysis clinics? They're back, from the same authors as 2018's Prop 8. Proponents say this improves patient care for 80K Californians. Opponents say this is an abuse of the ballot process.Read more

Prop 24 expands a recent data privacy law

Supporters say it will help enforce the recently passed California Consumer Privacy Act. Those opposed say it has too many loopholes and doesn't do enough.Read more

Prop 25 ends the cash bail system in CA

It would replace the cash bail system in California with a risk assessment for flight or harm to others. This was passed into law in 2018, but the bail bond industry got enough signatures to make this a referendum.Read more